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Category: Security Industry News

Mobile Apps for security guards

Top 5 Mobile Apps for Security Guards

Today’s professional security guards are tasked with navigating an ever-evolving industry. With the rise of cybercrime and vulnerabilities in virtual premises comes an increasing client demand for security services that can juggle detailed monitoring in multiple dimensions simultaneously. What this adds

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7 Principles of Training You Need to Know

Most training programs for security guards cover everything from How to Patrol to Emergency Response to Legal Issues and Liability. But, if all Security Guards receive the same basic training, what sets the best apart from the rest? Is it

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New Trends in Security Guard Duties

New Trends in Security Guard Duties

Technology is changing almost every job on the planet, and the Security Guard industry is part of that shift. Most of the new trends in the industry relate to technology, whether it’s enhanced video surveillance, video management systems or more

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