Service of process is a procedure used by a court (or administrative body) to inform a person that the court has legal jurisdiction over the person and instructs the person to respond in the manner specified.
The commonly used documents include:
- Affidavit:A sworn statement of facts made under oath. It identifies the jurisdiction and the person authorized to administer the oath.
- Certificate of Service: A statement which provides facts relating to a service that has been made.
- Complaint: A document that is filed with a court to begin a civil lawsuit.
- Forcible Detainer: A document that gives notice of a lawsuit associated with evictions.
- Injunction: A court order that commands or prevents an action.
- Motion: A request to a court to make a specific ruling or issue an order.
- Order: A written direction or command of a court.
- Order to Appear/Order to Show Cause: A court order directing a person subject to the court to appear and show reason why certain relief should not be granted.
- Restraining Order: A court order restricting a person from harassing, threatening, and sometimes merely contacting or approaching a specified person.
- Subpoena: A document that requires a person to appear and give testimony.
- Summons: A document that gives notice that a lawsuit has been filed.
- Writ of Execution: A court order directing a sheriff or other officer of the court to enforce a judgment, usually by seizing a debtor’s property.
Source: Learning Shop USA, provider of online continuing education,, 706 268 2221.