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Security Guard Employee Retention

Security Guard Retention: Keeping Guards On Your Team

Experienced and dependable security guards are in very high demand these days, especially as security firms look to minimize their risk of guard-related lawsuits. That can lead to a lot of opportunities for security guards, but it also means more headaches for security firms trying to attract and retain a great team for their clients. If you’ve noticed some turnover in the local industry lately, we’re going over a few reminders specifically for those focusing on guard retention in these busy times.

Watch the Local Cost of Living (and Competitors)

You can find a ton of advice about how much to pay your guards (much of it outdated) and when to offer bonuses or raises. We suggest looking at the local cost of living as a guide on what to offer. How much hourly pay is sufficient to live in your area? How much is necessary to raise a family? What about renting an apartment vs. owning a home? Your guards are making life decisions about these points, so you need to understand them to offer the best compensation rates. And chances are good that they’re discussing this topic in local community forums, social media, and group meetings. Tap into that knowledge if you can.

Second — and always good advice — watch what rates competitors are offering in your area. The national or state rates don’t really matter, your firm needs to focus on what other nearby security companies (big or small) are offering. Concentrate on this kind of information, and you’ll be ready to efficiently update your compensation.

Create Avenues for Training and Improvement

Today’s employees often look for ways to improve their skills and increase their value, eyeing ways to qualify for new positions. That can lead to job-hopping, but you can also use this issue for retention. Offer clear options for training, especially official training that allows guards to gain new certifications.

You can usually arrange this type of training with local schools or on-the-go experts, and it often pays for itself. Guards learn new skills like firearm training/safety, first aid in medical emergencies, skills to calm down intoxicated or panicking people, and how to de-escalate dangerous situations. Businesses are looking for skills just like those! In addition to great marketing, it also encourages guards to stay and develop their own expertise.

Provide Clear Safety Guidelines

Security guards are well aware that their jobs can be hazardous, especially since the COVID years. Thefts, attacks, and threats make for eye-grabbing headlines, and it’s no surprise guards are getting nervous — or thinking about switching careers. You can help improve retention by emphasizing guard safety in tangible ways.

In many cases, that means providing the best communication apps, protective equipment (knife and bullet vests, for example), and vehicles. It can also mean providing and updating policies on what to do in an emergency or when there’s a possibility of violence, so guards know exactly what to do to stay safe, how to prioritize their own well-being, and where to seek help during and after an incident.

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