As of 2016, there were 2.5 million positions for business executives in the US job market. With more businesses cropping up to take advantage of high consumer confidence, executive positions are expected to grow by 8% through 2026.
What that means for your growing executive-focused security company is a massive opportunity for growth over the next decade.
Growing though, even in an up economy, isn’t a sure thing. With more consumer demand comes more competition and that can make it hard to bolster your client pipeline.
Therein lies the value of digital marketing. While not obvious, even a niche business like security services for executives can benefit from marketing online.
Below, our team outlines 7 specific advantages you can expect.
1.A Means of Communicating Your Track Record
In the executive protection industry, an organization’s price isn’t the biggest deciding factor when clients are considering who to hire. An organization’s track record is.
How many executives have you protected in the past? How many dangerous situations have you demonstrated value during? How long have you been in business?
Your answers to those questions are what comprise your brand’s story. Through digital marketing, you can communicate that story and help executives understand that you’re a durable business that’s worth teaming up with.
2.Building Trust With Consumers
There are a lot of security companies out there that offer executive protection services. Why should anyone choose you?
Part of the answer to that question was addressed in our previous bullet whereby sharing your story you can create relationships with prospects.
Digital marketing also enables you to demonstrate the vitality of your security business.
Consider this: If you were deciding between two executive security firms and one had a robust digital presence while the other was impossible to find online, which would you rather bring on?
Digital marketing means constantly sharing relevant information with your target customers. It means letting them know that you’re still here and are ready for their business.
That constant touch point with your market will lead people to trust you more.
3.Making Connections in Hard to Reach Places
It can be hard to engage with executives through any means of marketing. After all, it’s not like they’re your run of the mill consumer.
So then, is digital marketing still a good idea for your industry niche?
It is.
Digital marketing has means of engaging with hard to reach consumers that through other marketing mediums, can’t be engaged with. It just takes a little more work.
For example, you could focus your digital marketing efforts on LinkedIn where you can directly connect with executives through InMail or via getting involved in LinkedIn Groups.
Both of those avenues will give you unparalleled access to your executive audience and can single-handedly skyrocket your client-base.
4.Increasing Brand Recognition
The more digital marketing you invest in, the more places your executive focused security company will pop up online.
You’ll appear more in search engines. You’ll show up in more social media feeds. You’ll gradually be anchored in people’s heads a trusted resource in the security community.
Imagine the kind of impact that could have on your clientele over the next five years?
Even if somebody who sees your brand today isn’t an executive, they may well be in a few years. If they are and need to hire a security team, guess which business they’re going to have their assistant look into first?
5.Leveraging the Power of SEO
Google fields over five billion searches from internet users every day. It stands to reason then that being seen as a favorable business by Google and ranking high in its search results can mean a lot for your organization.
The best way to do that is through search engine optimization which is one of the chief components of digital marketing.
When you optimize your website for search engines, you’ll build your digital marketing materials around particular search phrases (or keywords) that are most meaningful to your audience. You’ll then start to notice a significant uptick in traffic to your online resources.
6.Sharing Testimonials
As we’ve said already, trust is everything when it comes to executive security. One of the best ways to establish trust is to have other trustworthy individuals prop up your brand.
Through digital marketing, you can share testimonials from your satisfied executive clients. If another executive recognizes the name of the person that’s touting your dependability, they’ll be significantly more likely to engage with your services.
7.Creating a Foundation That’s Built for The Future
Maybe you look at digital marketing in relation to your executive security firm and think to yourself, “Executives don’t care about digital marketing.”
That might be true…today.
Maybe old school executives aren’t privy to the intricacies of the Internet. Maybe they don’t interface with LinkedIn and don’t pay attention to online branding.
Tomorrow’s executives though are people who grew up online. Those people will definitely care about your business’ online presence.
In order to prepare yourself for the next generation of high-ranking business people, it’s imperative that you start taking your digital marketing efforts seriously.
Digital Marketing and How It Can Grow Your Executive Protection Company
Our article should have impressed upon you the importance of digital marketing and how it can help you create a successful foundation for your security firm.
Another important foundational key to security is being backed by the right insurance provider. To that end, our team can help. At El Dorado Insurance Agency, we’ve been helping security companies of all specialties protect their business from the unexpected for over a half-century.
Let us provide you with the outstanding value and protection we’re known for. Learn more about the insurance we offer security teams and apply for your policy today!