The world of communication has shifted in such a way that your everyday activities are available for the public to see. Regardless of if you’re the proponent of sharing – or oversharing – what’s happening in your life, your friends likely take pictures of you when you’re away on vacation or “check in” to a local pub to share the shenanigans of a night of revelry.
While well intentioned or as innocent as these seemingly harmless activities may be, there are still very real dangers around sharing what’s happening in your life. The bad new is you’ll likely not be able to completely control how much of your information is shared online, there are certainly ways to decrease the internet personal sharing. As such, one private investigator suggests refraining from sharing the following 7 items – and telling your friends they should follow suit.
You’re Not at Home
Most of us have seen Home Alone, but forgot the lessons us movie watchers of the 90’s learned from the fun with fantasy flick. The criminals knew for a fact that the focal family would be out of town, and schemed a plot to intrude the home upon their vacating it. Times haven’t changed a bit since, only it’s far easier for criminals to learn when you’re jetting out on holiday. Give them another obstacle in retrieving this information by omitting it from your social media sharing statuses.
“Hey everyone! Look at this expensive thing I just bought!”
It’s exciting to reap the reward of having saved up and purchasing an expensive item you’ve had your eye on. However given that it’s an expensive naturally indicates that it’s a desirable item, and you aren’t the only one who wants to have it in your possession. Avoid taking pictures of that new big screen, especially with where you have placed it in your home, and enjoy the contentment of showing real life friends who pop on over to visit in person.
Incriminating Images
This is a pretty obvious one, but its importance merits inclusion on this list. Having a great night out on the town perhaps partaking of a libation or three is well and good in its own right in a responsible fashion. However employers, colleagues and professionals have just as much access to the internet as you do, and have no issues accessing your account activities given a strike of curiosity. Don’t make it easy for them to have some dirt on you, and enjoy the memories with the friends who actually went out to spend time with you.
Announcing You’re Taking a Sick Day
While we’re on the subject of extracurricular/extraprofessional activities, taking a sick day to goof off or nurse a hangover is dangerous enough as it is. Yet posting about it on social media couldn’t be a more foolish and self-incriminating activity. If you’re calling in sick to meet friends for lunch who too are playing hookie, keep it under your hats and refrain from telling the internet about it.
What You Really Think of Your Boss or Colleagues
Each and every one of us must deal with people we cannot tolerate from time to time. Yet the biggest differentiator about being adults as opposed to fussy children is controlling our mouths and behaving cordially regardless. Even if you’ve completely had it on a particularly frustrating day – go for a run or find a pillow you can tear apart instead. Everything you put on the internet stays on the internet, and these are the people who can either help or harm you when it’s time for that promotion or new position. Refrain from burning those bridges online.
Using discretion on the internet is not necessarily a habit of the majority of online users. But you fortunately have control of your reputation – and it’s best to keep it a clean one on social media.
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