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Worried About the Affordable Care Act?

After the second Supreme Court challenge to his signature legislation was ruled 6-3 upholding federal healthcare subsidies to states that did not set up their own exchanges.

Your organization is now faced with some of the biggest reporting challenges presented to businesses in the past decade. You need to be aware of which requirements apply to you and whether or not your organization should “Play or Pay”. It can all be very complicated, but El Dorado is here to help! We have an affordable plan that fits your particular compliance needs.

  • The current schedule calls for a transitional version of the PPACA “play or pay” employer mandate to apply to employers with 100 or more full-time eligible employees as of 1/1/15, and to employers with 50 to 99 employees on 1/1/16. (FTEs are considered to be members of staff who work at least 30 hours per week or 130 hours a month)
  • Employers will have to keep track of which employees were offered health coverage in any given month, and large employers will have to put the employee count data they collected in 2014 into Internal Revenue Code Section (IRC) 4980H “employer shared responsibility” reports.
  • With no plan in place, the cost to your firm will be catastrophic! Average estimated penalties to an employer will be $2,400 per employee per year.
  • In addition to fines, your firm will potentially be subject to a Department of Labor “Wage & Hour” audit. All findings by the D.O.L. are also shared with the I.R.S. where potential further punitive action could occur.
  • El Dorado Insurance Agency offers a fully compliant “ObamaCare” program at a fraction of the cost of traditional major medical providers with no minimum participation requirements and complete documentation in the event your firm is audited.

El Dorado can help you navigate these tricky requirements and answer any compliance related or other coverage questions you might have. Contact me, Chris Jackson, for a compliance assessment at 800-221-3386, ext. 207 or email me at [email protected].

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