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Top Hazard Prevention Tips for Alarm Installation

Top Hazard Prevention Tips for Alarm Installation in the Winter

The dropping temperatures of winter have many businesses and homeowners considering how to make their properties safer and warmer. They also want to be secure against threats like burglary (which tends to pick up around the holidays) or power outages. That can lead to renewed interest in adding alarms, preventing fires, and choosing the right security.

Is your alarm installation business ready for the unique opportunities and maintenance requirements that winter brings? Let’s take a look at how installers can prevent hazards when working with their clients.

Look for Ways to Prevent Heater Fires

Heaters and fireplaces are responsible for many fires in cold winters. Think about sending out memos to customers reminding them to be responsible when using heaters, and to keep them away from walls, carpets, etc. You may also want to offer a checklist for fireplace maintenance. When installing detectors, you may want to ask where heaters are used (areas like the garage or patio) so that you can offer solutions for these locations, too.

Ask About Power Outages

If power outages become more frequent in your area during the winter, talk to clients about making their installations proof against power outages. That could include battery backups, and using cellular data connections, which may be (depending on nearby cell towers) more reliable than localized Wi-Fi.

Offer Theft Deterrents, Especially for the Front Door

Porch pirates and package theft is still on the rise in many locations, while others may be targets of break-and-enter attempts. If that’s a problem that owners are worried about, alarm installers should be ready to offer several solutions. That can include more access control sensors, including window sensors and backyard sensors that owners may not have considered before. Others may want new security lighting in dark areas, when tend to get even darker during the short days of winter. Meanwhile, adding a video doorbell to a security system can help monitor packages and prevent stealing from front doors.

When Temperatures Drop Low, Talk About Leak and Temperature Detectors

If temperatures drop well below freezing during winter storms, it’s time to start advertising devices that can help prevent frozen pipes and the resulting water damage. Frozen pipes that burst can be incredibly damaging to a building, and lingering problems like mold aren’t always covered by insurance – it’s best to avoid them altogether. Placing leak sensors in the right areas can catch problems early, and temperature sensors in problem spots like under sinks can provide warnings that frozen pipes could be a possibility. Many of these sensors are compatible with existing smart security systems and can easily be integrated.

Outfit Installers with Proper Gear and Equipment

Using ladders and power tools can be much more dangerous in winter weather. Even doing a security inspection can present dangers if walkways are icy or snowed in. Recommend that employees wear winter gear, boots made to handle icy conditions, and gloves to keep warm. Provide winter gear if possible, so installers have work kits they can rely on for this. Do what you can to lower the risk that employees will become injured on the job.

Offer Maintenance Packages for Checking Batteries, Camera Positions, Etc.

Winter maintenance is very important for all security and alarm systems. Wireless systems should have their batteries recharged for the coldest months. Camera positions may need to be checked in preparation for winter weather. Smoke alarm batteries may need to be replaced as well, and alarm tests should be run on systems. Offer these maintenance services to customers: You can even create a winter maintenance package specifically for clients who don’t want a long-term maintenance plan but would like a security once-over to make sure everything is winterized properly.

Suggest Ways for Remote Monitoring and Control

Bad winter weather can mean business owners may not be able to make it onto their property as soon as they’d like, or that homeowners won’t be able to get home when they planned. The option to remotely control a security system can be very useful here, as owners can use apps to disarm the system for others. They can even remotely unlock smart locks and turn on heating with the right devices. Meanwhile, a professional monitoring package can guarantee that fire departments or law enforcement can respond even when no one else is on location. These can be valuable winter solutions for the right clients.

In addition to that, many companies have offsite locations they work at, such as construction sites. They may want to keep a closer eye on these locations in winter, even when work has paused. Weatherproof, movable security systems could provide these businesses with just the answer they’re looking for.

Final Notes

Winter can increase a number of hazards, including fire, theft, power outages, and injuries due to poor weather. Preparing for those hazards can help both clients and employees, and may even open doors for more business. Alarm installers should think about customizing their messaging and what they discuss with clients for the winter season, as well as making sure all installers are ready for the weather!

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